Shenkar Academic Regulations

Shenkar Academic Regulations

Academic Rules and Regulations
Exams: Rules for Participation
Administration Exams: instructions for students
Grading Scale
Appealing Grades
Posting Grades
Protocol on the Disclosure of Examination Books
English Language Studies
HILA — Student Advancement Center
Ethiopian Israeli Students
Accommodations for Students from the Arab Sector
Completion of Studies and Eligibility for a Degree
Cessation of Studies
Resumption of Studies and the Statute of Limitations
Elective Courses

Academic Rules and Regulations 

  • Enrollment Verification
    At the beginning of the academic year, students are entitled to receive a document confirming that they are students at Shenkar College (four copies, in Hebrew). This verification may be issued through the Meydanet System.
  • Students who have completed their studies and fulfilled all of their financial and academic obligations are eligible to receive verification thereof, until the official degree is conferred.
  • Any certifications beyond the above (such as an enrollment verification in English, a transcript, a translation of the students grades into English, special certifications, etc.) shall be issued for a fee.

2. Correspondence

  • The student’s last address, as it appears in the Meydanet system, in the Registration Office, and at the department, shall be used for all correspondence. Any correspondence sent via registered mail to the student’s mailing address shall be considered to have been received by the student.
  • Formal announcements issued by lecturers or representatives of the secretariat during lectures shall be accompanied by a written message in the Meydanet system or a message sent via email.
  • Any announcement posted on the bulletin board of the Meydanet system or on the bulletin boards found throughout the departments shall be considered to have been brought to the student’s attention.
  • Any change in personal details (new address, telephone number or email address) while a student is enrolled should be updated through the Meydanet system and at the department.
    Shenkar reserves the right to make changes to the curriculum, based on varying academic requirements, the departments’ rules and regulations pertaining to advancing, grades, graduate projects, and any other academic matter.

3. Recognition and exemptions

Students may apply for course exemptions based on previous studies only after having been admitted to the college as a regular student, having passed the registration and admissions processes, and having paid the registration fee. The application should be submitted to the department using the following forms: Exemption request form for those with academic background /  Exemption request form based on non-academic studies

A signed and authorized transcript, course syllabus, and diplomas/certificates of eligibility (if any) should be attached.

  • Exemptions cannot be obtained based on courses studied over six years earlier (exceptional cases will be reviewed by the teaching committee).
  • The head of the department or school, or anyone appointed on their behalf for this purpose, are authorized to approve exemptions based on previous studies.
  • Each department may determine more stringent regulations beyond the existing rules for exemptions, provided these are stated in its regulations and have been publicized.
  • A grade received by a student at another educational institution for a course on account of which they are to receive an exemption from courses at Shenkar shall not be factored into their transcript and shall be listed as “exempt”. Credits entitling a student to an exemption shall be included in the number of credits required for the degree.
  • The total exemptions from courses that a student may receive based on prior academic study programs (in which the student had not completed an academic degree) shall not exceed 50% of the degree program at Shenkar. Exceptional cases will be reviewed by the teaching committee.
  • The college may exempt students from a course in the academic curriculum on account of an academic course the student had taken as part of another curriculum at a higher education institution, for which an academic degree had been conferred on the student, provided that the course that was taken is similar in content and identical in format, and that its scope and level are not lower or inferior to the course for which the exemption was given. The cumulative exemptions given, if any, shall amount to no more than 25% of the scope of the curriculum.
  • Exemptions from academic studies based on non-academic studies shall only be possible for bachelor’s degree programs. Pursuant to the decision made by the Council for Higher Education, exemptions may be given based on non-academic studies for up to a maximum of 40 credits, and solely for relevant courses whose content corresponds to that of equivalent courses in the academic curriculum. Exemptions shall not be given for basic/core/ introductory courses taught as part of the academic program. Exemptions can only be given to those who have completed their non-academic studies and received a certificate attesting to completion of studies, up to six years before the time academic studies had commenced.

4. Prerequisite coursework
Some of the study programs require prerequisite courses. To take an advanced course (which requires a prerequisite course), the required prerequisite courses must have been completed successfully. For example, students wishing to take Calculus 2 must have successfully completed Calculus 1 (which is a prerequisite course for Calculus 2).
If a student fails the course, the student will be required to pass exams and/or retake the course. A failing grade for a prerequisite course which will not be offered again during that academic year or during the subsequent year shall be reviewed, on a case-by-case basis, at the relevant department and at the academic secretariat. Information on prerequisite courses and the progress chart for degrees are discussed in detail in each department’s regulations.

 5.Class Attendance
Students’ class attendance is mandatory, except for courses for which the lecturer has stated, in advance, that attendance is not mandatory. Students who are absent for more than three classes, and, with regard to courses held twice a week, for more than six classes (wherein the absence is not due to reserve duty, or any other reason approved by the department head and the academic director) shall fail the course, and they will need to retake the course during another semester.

6. Instruction time

  • Classes shall last for 45 minutes (“classes” are defined as a lab session, studio session, lecture, recitation, etc.)
  • Students are entitled to a 10-minute break between classes. However, lecturers may teach classes consisting of two consecutive academic hours, which would be followed by a 20-minute break.
  • During lab classes, studio classes (in the design departments) and internship workshops, lecturers may hold a class of more than two consecutive academic hours, while taking into account the students’ ability to stay focused.
  • Tardiness is not permitted, and a lecturer may bar students who are tardy from entering class. Non-participation or tardiness to class shall be considered an absence in courses for which attendance is mandatory. In courses for which attendance is mandatory, students coming to class over ten minutes late shall be considered absent, at the lecturer’s discretion.

7. Change period

  • The change period is the period of time in which students may make changes to the courses they had registered for in a particular semester. The change period is a two-week period beginning on the first day of the first or second semester, and a one-week period beginning on the first day of the summer semester.
  • Once the change period is over, the courses that students have registered for may not be changed and/or dropped. If a student registers for but does not drop the course during the change period, the charge for the course shall not be canceled, and the student will bear all of the consequences of not having dropped the course.
  • The change period does not apply to courses with separate tuition regulations.

8. Special study programs and class schedules

Cases where students are entitled to submit special study programs and class schedules:

  • Students notified thereof by a teaching committee, due to academic reasons (for a maximum of 15 credits)
  • Students interested in adding or dropping even just one course from the set department curriculum
  • Students who have failed and retaken a course (even if the student is only required to take the exam)

The class schedule will be created with assistance from the coordinator, during the first two weeks of the semester.

9. Changing specialization tracks and transferring to other departments

  • Students admitted into a particular department are entitled to request a transfer to another department. The request will be reviewed by the head of the department the student wishes to transfer to. They will consider the admission threshold for that department, and the student’s academic achievements, in accordance with each year’s requirements and available places.
  • Transferring a student to another department may be made contingent on completing prerequisite courses or beginning the academic program with first-year courses, in accordance with the requirements of the department and the student’s academic achievements.
  • The department head’s recommendation shall be sent to the dean of the faculty for approval.
  • If the student was given a scholarship in their original department, the student must return the scholarship to the Community Outreach and Scholarships Division at the Office of the Dean of Students, as a precondition for the transfer, and the Dean of Students shall decide whether the scholarship will be retained or discontinued.

10. Failing grades and retaking classes
// The Faculty of Engineering:

  • A “fail” grade in a course will obligate the student to retake the course by the end of the subsequent academic year. Students who do not fulfill this requirement will not be able to continue their studies. Students who have failed a course will be required to re-register for the course the next time it is offered and fulfill all of its requirements.
  • Students may not continue their studies or take examinations in advanced courses if they have not fulfilled the requirements of the prerequisite course, unless authorized by the department head.
  • A student who fails a course offered once every two years in their fourth year of studies (as long as they have submitted the graduate project and as it is a single failure that would prevent the student from receiving a degree) will be given a supplemental exam date (“moed gimel”). If this supplemental sitting is offered, it will also allow third-year students who have taken the course and failed the exam to take the exam.

The departmental teaching committee will deliberate on students whose academic standing exhibits one of the following criteria:

  • The student’s weighted annual average is lower than 60.
  • The student has failed three courses worth at least 2 credits.
  • The student has failed a compulsory course three times (in three different semesters).
  • The student has failed a core course that was retaken. Students who fail a core course will only be allowed to retake the course and fulfill its academic requirements one more time.

Cases of students with academic standing that meets one of the criteria listed above will be summoned to a hearing before the department’s teaching committee. The committee may make one of the following determinations:

  • In the subsequent year, the student will study in a program with a reduced course load, in which no more than 15 credits can be accrued each semester. This program will be created in coordination with the department head and the academic coordinator.
  • The student will be given the option to advance to the following semester or year on a conditional basis. The committee may determine the conditions of the probationary period for this student. These conditions, which the committee will determine, may include retaking courses, completing papers, or maintaining a certain average or course grade. Each case will be reviewed individually.
  • The student will not be allowed to advance to the next year in their study program, and will need to repeat the entire year, or part of it.
  • Recommendation to dismiss the student from the department. This recommendation will be brought for approval to Shenkar’s general teaching committee.

 The Faculty of Design:

  • A student who fails two courses worth at least two credits may not continue their studies without a hearing before the teaching committee. The list of such courses will appear in the department regulations.
  • The teaching committee may require students with at least two fails in the Faculty of Design (pursuant to the department regulations) to study in a program with a reduced course load, in which no more than 15 credits can be accrued each semester. This program will be created in coordination with the department head and the academic coordinator. Failing a course will require that the student retake the course by the end of the subsequent academic year. Students who do not fulfill this requirement will not be able to continue their studies: a student who has failed a course will be required to reregister for the course the next time it is offered and fulfill all of its requirements. Course registration (even if it is for just one course) will be done through the department coordinator (see the paragraph on submitting special programs).

11. The teaching committee

  • Students who do not comply with the department’s requirements and regulations will be summoned to a hearing by the teaching committee. At the hearing, the reasons the hearing is being conducted at the department’s teaching committee will be explained to the student, and the student will be given the opportunity to present their arguments.
  • The decisions will be made without the student present.
  • The committee’s conclusions will be sent to the student in writing.
  • Recommendations of the departmental teaching committee regarding student dismissal will be raised for discussion at the general teaching committee. The decisions of the general teaching committee supersede departmental decisions and regulations, and the committee may impose conditions for advancing to the next year or require the student to retake courses and resubmit assignments, at its discretion. 
    • Students may contact the Student Union (email) and the Dean of Students) email for more information on this topic.

12. Advancement requirements

The Faculty of Engineering: An annual weighted average of 60 is required to advance in the Faculty of Engineering.

The Faculty of Design: The advancement requirements for the Faculty of Design are specified in the department’s regulations.

Matriculation certificate: Students who do not have a matriculation certificate will be required to submit a matriculation eligibility certificate by the end of the second year of their study program. Students who do not satisfy the conditions for matriculation will not be allowed to advance to their third year. Resumption of studies will only be possible through the submission of a matriculation eligibility certificate. Shenkar will not confer a degree on a student who does not have a matriculation certificate.

English language studies: All students enrolled at higher education institutions in Israel must demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of the English language, and obtain an exemption from English language studies by the end of their third year. Students who do not complete their English language requirements by the end of their third year will have their studies discontinued. Resumption of studies will occur after the student completes English language studies for the exemption.

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Exams: Rules for Participation

Students must take all of the tests and exams and submit all of the assignments in their study programs. Exams are held over the course of the semester, and they will be used to assess students’ active participation in classes and studies, and the required reading. 

Queries regarding exams may be submitted to to Mrs. Hagit Weinberg Nakash, Head of the Tests, Grades, and Alumni Division, at

  1. Mid-term tests
    No makeup dates will be given to change the grade of a mid-term test, and exceptional cases will be reviewed individually by the department head. 
  2. Exam modality
    Every lecturer may select one of the following exam modalities:
  • A closed-book written exam (no literature and/or study materials)
  • An open-book written exam (with literature and/or study material)
  • An oral exam, with the approval of the coordinator of students with learning disabilities (at HILA — Student Advancement Center)
  • A mock exam or a typical collection of sample questions will be presented to the students or will be posted on the Moodle system during the course of the semester or toward the end of the semester.
  1. Taking the exam
  • Students who have satisfied all of the course’s academic requirements, such as the required class attendance, mid-term tests, submissions, recitations, etc., will be permitted to take the exam. If a student does not satisfy a course’s academic requirements, the student will fail the course, and will need to retake the course, even if they have taken the exam.
  • Students who have not satisfied their requirements (financial duties, debts to the library, the submission of a class schedule or scholarship service hours) will not be allowed to participate in exams or submit projects.
  1. Grading and averaging
    Every course includes credits (based on the department’s regulations, and on the department’s curricula):
  • Each hour of instruction/studio entitles the student to one credit.
  • Each hour of lab entitles the student to one half credit.

Different faculties and departments vary on how they regard credits, in accordance with their study programs. At the end of each semester, grades will be weighted based on the number of credits earned.

  1. Exam times
    A general exam schedule will be posted separately for each semester, and will include the first and second exam sittings.
    The submission schedule at the Faculty of Design will be posted before the end-of-semester project submission period.
    Exam dates will be posted on the Meydanet system. Students are responsible for monitoring any changes. For each exam, there are two possible sittings that students may choose from.
    The sittings are not limited to times appearing in the timetable, and they may be held Sundays through Fridays, based on the decision made by the Academic Secretariat.
    Faculty of Engineering: Exam dates will be posted up to two weeks before the first day of the semester.
  2. Makeup date (“moed bet”)
  • Students may take their exams on the makeup date, even if they did not take the exam on the first sitting (“moed aleph”). Students who do so will not be able to retake the exam at a later date, unless they satisfy the criteria specified in the paragraph entitled “Special Sitting”.
  • Students who fail their exam on the first sitting are required to take the makeup exam. Otherwise, they will need to reregister for the course (registration for taking the makeup exam is automatic).
  • Students who fail both of the exams will be required to retake the course, except for cases in which the department regulations state otherwise.
  1. Special Sitting

A special sitting will be afforded to students who are unable to take the exam at one of the scheduled sittings due to the following reasons: 

  • If the student is hospitalized on one of the dates, they must submit a medical certificate attesting to their hospitalization. The medical certificate must be submitted within one week of the date of the exam (unless the student is still hospitalized). If it is submitted late, they will not be eligible for a special sitting.
  • Students unable to take the exam at one of the two designated times due to reserve duty will be given accommodations in accordance with Appendix A of the Student Regulations: “Accommodations for Student Reservists“.
  • Childbirth and pregnancy: Accommodations will be given to male and female students on account of fertility treatments, pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, receiving a foster child, or receiving custody of a child, based on Appendix C of the Student Regulations: “Rights and Benefits – Pregnancy and Childbirth“.
  • Bereavement of immediate family members on the date of the exam or during the two weeks before the exam.
  • Recognized holidays and observances of all faiths.
  • If two exams are held on the same day.
  • If a student’s wedding is a day before the exam, the day of the exam or the day after the exam.

    Instructions concerning the special sitting:
  • It is the student’s responsibility to contact the academic secretariat to request a special sitting. The reserve duty coordinator,, is responsible for handling the special sittings for students in the reserves and post-partum women.
  • The request for a special sitting should be submitted during the period beginning on the day the grade for the second exam is posted until one week after that date. Requests received before or after this period will not be processed.
  • Eligibility for a special sitting is authorized by the academic secretariat.
  • If a student has taken exams on both dates and submitted a request for a special sitting, that request will be summarily rejected.
  • First and second semester special sittings shall fall between August and October. In some cases, special sittings will occur within the framework of exams for consecutive courses (in such cases, students will register as “making up an exam,” and can only be tested on one of the sittings).
  • If a special sitting is not received, this indicates that eligibility for this sitting was lost, a fail will be recorded for the course, and the student will reregister for the course at the earliest possible date. “Not tested” will be recorded on the student’s transcript until the special sitting.
  • Students are responsible for monitoring all postings of exam dates and changes in the Meydanet system.
  1. Improving a grade through a makeup exam
  • Students requesting to be tested at the second sitting in order to improve their grade will submit a request to be tested, solely through the Meydanet system.
  • The request may be cancelled up to five days before the date of the exam (not including the day of the exam), through the Meydanet system.
  • Students who register but do not show up for the exam will be considered to have failed the course.
  • The last grade is the one that will be recorded on the transcript. 
  1. Improving a grade later in the study program
  • Students may re-register for a course, pursuant to the department regulations, and subject to the authorization of the department head, in order to improve their course grade. Registration will only be possible during the two semesters subsequent to the time a passing grade was received for the first time. In exceptional cases, additional dates will be approved to improve grades, with the recommendation of the department head and the authorization of the dean of the faculty.
  • The last grade in the course is the one that counts.
  1. Written papers
  • There are no late submission dates for written papers.
  • Authorization of late submission will be given at the discretion of the lecturer or the teaching committee, or based on accommodations determined in the regulations, in the appendix entitled “Students in the Reserves“, or in accordance with the provisions of the appendix entitled “Childbirth and Maternity Leave“.
  • Assignments submitted late will be considered a failure, requiring the student to retake the course in another semester (the lecturer may allow an exemption from class attendance in such cases). Exceptional cases shall be reviewed by the departmental teaching committee.
  1. Evaluations in Arabic will only be accepted from institutes recognized by the center. For more information, contact the learning disabilities advisor at HILA — Student Advancement Center.

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Administration of Exams: instructions for students

During exams, students will follow the proctor’s instructions, as specified below:

  1. Students must come to the exam room 15 minutes before it begins and may not leave unless they do so in accordance with the paragraph called “Policy on leaving an exam room during an exam”.
  2. Before the exam, examinees must present an ID card to the proctor (picture ID, e.g., a student card, national ID card, passport or driver’s license). Students who do not present an ID card will not be allowed to take the exam.
  3. Only students who have settled all of their financial obligations for the current academic year and for previous years will be allowed to take exams and submit assignments. Students who have not settled all of their obligations will appear in the list of students marked “may not be tested”.
  4. Students who have entered the exam room, presented an ID card, and received an exam paper shall be considered to have arrived at that time, even if they don’t answer the exam questions. Students are required to complete their personal information in the exam book and return the exam book and exam paper to the proctor and are not permitted to leave during the 30-minute period after the exam begins. If a student chooses to leave during the first 30 minutes of the exam, the student’s grade will be marked as a “fail” and shall be considered accordingly.
  5. Arriving 30 minutes after the beginning of the exam shall be considered a waiver of the right to be tested on that date. No one will be permitted to enter the exam room 30 minutes after the start time.
  6. Students who arrive at the exam up to a half hour late may enter the exam room and be tested, provided that none of the examinees have left the examination room during that period, except for special cases, as specified below.
  7. A tested student will be permitted to bring study materials to the exam, solely in accordance with the instructions in the exam paper. Personal belongings will be left in the corner of the classroom, in accordance with the proctor’s instructions, including mobile phones and smart watches, which should all be turned off. Conversations during the examination, and especially conversations between examinees, are strictly prohibited.
  8. Tested students may not bring any materials related to the exam to the examination room or the vicinity (e.g., the restroom). Only the exam paper and book should be on the exam desks. The use of study materials is permitted only if the exam paper explicitly permits it.
  9. Tested students should write the relevant details, as they appear in the exam book, in the exam paper. Tested students who use more than one exam book should also state, among the details specified above, the exam book number, out of the total exam books used (e.g., 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3, etc.).
  10. The answers in the exam form should be written in ink, in clear handwriting. The right-hand column of the exam book is meant for comments and as a scratch pad. Using any other papers or the exam paper as scratch paper or for comments is prohibited. Tearing pages out of the exam book is prohibited. Also, nothing should be written in the margins of the exam book.
  11. Examinees may not leave their seats or the exam room without the proctor’s permission.
  12. At the end of the exam, the student will return the exam books and the exam paper to the proctor.
  13. The policy on leaving the exam room while the exam is being administered:
  • Leaving the exam room during the first half hour and last half hour of the exam is prohibited.
  • Permission to leave will not be given to more than one examinee at a time. 
  • In special cases, such as pregnant students or students with special authorization from the dean of students, the students may go to the restroom, accompanied by a proctor, at any point during the exam.
  • An examinee who receives the exam paper and decides not to be tested is treated as any other examinee, and may not leave the exam room until half an hour has passed since the beginning of the exam.

Violation of one or more of the regulations may result in the student facing a disciplinary committee hearing.

  1. The presence of the lecturer at the exam
  • The lecturer, or someone acting on their behalf, is to be present in the exam room after the first half hour has elapsed since the beginning of the exam, and during the last half hour of the exam. At all other times, they should be available until the time allotted for the exam has ended.
  1. Loss of an exam book
    The grade of an examinee whose exam book was lost at no fault of their own shall be determined based on one of the following options, to be chosen by the examinee, and with the authorization of the head of the department:
  • A “passing” grade (without a numerical value)
  • A retest
  • A take-home assignment
  1. Absence due to pregnancy or childbirth
    Accommodations will be given to students on account of fertility treatments, pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, receiving a foster child or receiving child custody, based on the directives of the Council for Higher Education of Israel.

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Grading Scale

  1. Grades are awarded in percentages. A passing grade in the Faculty of Engineering is 60. Within the Faculty of Design, the grading scale varies by department, and is specified in the departmental regulations.
  2. Calculation of credits and averages on the transcript:
  • A course in which a student did not receive a “passing grade”, in accordance with the department regulations, shall not be counted among the total credits, but the grade will be counted in the grade average.
  • A course with a non-numerical grade shall not be calculated in the grade average. 

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​​Posting Grades

  1.  Exams: Lecturers will post exam grades 14 calendar days from the time the exam was held in classes with up to 100 students in the course. In classes with over 100 students in every course iteration, the lecturer will be given an additional week to post the grades.
  • The exam books will be disclosed to the students in the Meydanet system or at the exam disclosure meeting, as determined by the course lecturer, up to two weeks from the date the exam was conducted.
  • Students may contact the course lecturer for an explanation of the grade.
  1. Projects: Lecturers will post the grades of the projects within three weeks of the last due date for the submission of the papers. For classes with over 100 students, the lecturer will return the grades within four weeks.
  • The lecturer will briefly explain, on the paper itself, the reason that points were deducted. 
  1. Seminar Projects: Lecturers will post the grades of the projects within six weeks of the last due date for the submission of the projects.
  2. If there is a delay in the time that students are notified of their grades, Mrs. Hagit Weinberg may be contacted via email at, or through the Meydanet system.

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Appealing Grades

  1. Students may appeal a grade up to four days after the grade has been posted. In courses for which exams have been scanned, the appeal should be submitted through the Meydanet system.
  2. Grades may not be adjusted after a degree eligibility certificate has been issued.
  3. Project grades given by an assessment committee may not be appealed.
  4. Grade appeals may result in a reaffirmation of the grade, or in the grade being lowered or raised.
  5. The department head may handle appeals that were submitted if no response has been received within two weeks of submission.
  6. Lecturers should respond to the appeal of the student’s grade within five days of the appeal. If an appeal is rejected, the lecturer will explain their decision.
  7. Students who have submitted an appeal of an exam grade and have not received a response from the lecturer by the day of the second sitting(which may be either the makeup exam or special sitting) will receive the higher of the two grades on the sittings in which they were tested.

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Protocol on the Disclosure of Examination Books

Revewing and appealing a non-disclosed exam:

1. In a non-disclosed exam, students may view the exam paper, the exam book, and the answer sheet during a one-on-one meeting with the lecturer.

2. After the course grades have been posted, a time will be set in which the lecturer/TA will share their exam book with students, at a date that will be scheduled and publicized in advance.

2.1. The dates for sharing the first sitting books will be no later than five calendar days before the makeup exam date.

2.2. The dates for sharing the makeup date exam books will fall no later than two weeks (14 calendar days) after grades have been posted.

2.3. The dates for the disclosure of the exam books (date, time and location) will be publicized to the students alongside the posted grades.

2.4. Another disclosure session, if necessary, will be scheduled, in order to allow those who were unable to attend the previously scheduled post-exam review to participate.

3. The disclosure of the exams shall be done under supervision, and it will not be possible to copy the exam, photograph it, or remove it from the room.

4. The assessment of a student’s appeal will be based on a reassessment of the relevant content in the exam book, and not any other content.

5. Responses to appeals of first sitting exams will be publicized no later than five calendar days before the makeup exam, and responses to appeals on makeup exams will be publicized no later than five calendar days after the second disclosure date.

6. If there is any deviation from the regulations, the academic secretariat will decide on such deviations case by case.

7. The exam questions and answers will be presented to the student by the lecturer.

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English language studies

  1. All students enrolled at higher education institutions in Israel must demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of the English language and obtain an exemption from English language studies by the end of their third year. The English proficiency level/exemption are determined through the grade received in the English placement exams: psychometric exams, AMIR, AMIRAM, or previous studies at a recognized academic institution.
  2. Students may, at any stage in their studies, be tested through external examinations to redetermine their English-language proficiency so that they can be placed or receive an exemption.
  3. Each student will need to begin English language studies starting in the first semester of their study program, except for students classified as “Advanced A” level or “Advanced B” level, who can begin their English language studies throughout the first year of their program.
  4. Eligibility for exemptions is based on the following parameters:
  • A grade of 134 or above in the English section of the national psychometric examination or the AMIRAM exam.
  • A grade of 234 or above in the AMIR exam, awarded by the National Institute for Testing & Evaluation.
  • Those in possession of an undergraduate or graduate degree from an Israeli higher education institution.
  • Students who have studied at an Israeli higher education institution and did not receive their diplomas but successfully completed English language studies for an exemption.
  1. Placement into English language levels: Students who do not receive an exemption from English language studies based on one of the above criteria will be placed into a level determined for those students based on the grade achieved in the placement examinations (psychometric, AMIR, AMIRAM), as follows:
LevelGrade on Psychometric/AMIRAM/AMIR exam
BasicUp to 84
Advanced A100-119
Advanced B120-133
Exempt134 and above

All students must achieve an exemption from English language studies by the end of their third year. The study programs of students who do not complete their English language requirements by the end of their third year will be discontinued. Resumption of studies will occur after the student completes the English language studies for an exemption. The English proficiency level of candidates or students who were tested more than once (and/or using more than one placement exam) will be determined based on the best result achieved. Instructions on how to register for the psychometric exam and the English placement exam (AMIR/AMIRAM) can be found on the website of the National Institute for Testing & Evaluation. Pursuant to the directives of the Council for Higher Education in Israel (the Malz Committee Report), students enrolled in basic and elementary English language courses will pay an additional charge of 1,700 ILS per course. The cost of an Advanced A English language course is 1,200 ILS. Advanced B English language courses do not require any additional payment and are covered by tuition.

  1. The requirement to take at least two English language courses:

To be eligible for a bachelor’s degree, all students must take at least two English language courses during their study program, from among the following courses:

Training courses for English language learning, which are English courses for an exemption (basic, elementary, advanced A and advanced B), based on the student’s placement score at the start of their academic studies, and/or EMI courses, which will be offered by the department or faculty.

Please refer to the details and illustrations below:

  • A student who, at the beginning of their academic studies, was placed into Advanced A English, must take two English language courses to receive an exemption, and this would satisfy their obligations in terms of English language studies. 
  • A student who, at the beginning of their academic studies, was placed into elementary English, must take three English language courses to receive an exemption, and this would satisfy their obligations in terms of English language studies.
  • A student who, at the beginning of their academic studies, was placed into basic English, must take four English language courses to receive an exemption, and this would satisfy their obligations in terms of English language studies.
  • A student who, at the beginning of their academic studies, was placed into Advanced English B, must take one exemption course and one EMI course. 
  • Students who are at exemption level at the beginning of their academic studies must take two EMI courses. 

Any questions or concerns regarding English language studies can be directed to Dr. Ruti Bardenstein via email, at

 * This section is not relevant to master’s degree students.

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Cum laude certificates: For full details, click here!

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Ethiopian Israeli Students

Ethiopian Israeli students are entitled to be absent from classes held during the Sigd holiday, and this absence shall not be considered in the tally of allowed absences.

Students who are absent from an exam held on this day will be entitled to be tested at an alternate date.

If the date determined for the submission of an assignment falls on the holiday, the student may submit the assignment shortly after the Sigd holiday, in coordination with the lecturer.

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Accommodations for Students from the Arab Community

The Council for Higher Education in Israel is running a project to increase access to higher education for students from within Arab, Druze and Circassian society, while improving the quality of their degree study program. Shenkar is participating in this initiative and has begun taking steps to expand the services provided to students from the Arab community.

Shenkar operates the Unit for Students from Arab Society, coordinated by Ms. Sewar Ayoub, whose role is to personally support all students from Arab society, academically and pedagogically. She is also in charge of coordinating all matters linked to Arab students at Shenkar.

Here are a number of accommodations that Shenkar has implemented in its policies:

  • All Arab students shall be entitled to a time extension, to have their Hebrew mistakes overlooked, and to use a Hebrew-Arabic dictionary throughout their bachelor’s degree studies.
  • Students shall be entitled to be absent from classes held during holidays, and this absence shall not be considered in the tally of allowed absences.
  • If an exam is scheduled for a fast day, the institute will try to set the test time at an earlier time. Students will be entitled to submit a request for an alternate date.
  • Students who are absent from an exam held on a holiday will be entitled to be tested at an alternate date.
  • If the date determined for the submission of an assignment falls on a holiday, the student may submit the assignment shortly after the holiday.
  • During Ramadan, students who are fasting will be allowed to finish classes every day at 5:15 p.m., without this being considered an absence.
  • During Ramadan, students who are fasting will receive alternate dates for tests and assignments after the end of Ramadan.

The following is a list of holidays for which absence from classes shall be approved, depending on the student’s religion:

Christian holidaysMuslim holidays
Druze holidays
ChristmasEid Al-FitrEid Al-Khadr
New Years DayEid Al-AdhaThe Birthday of the Prophet
EasterEid Al-Adha
Pentecost (the second day of Shavuot)

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Completion of Studies and Eligibility for a Degree

  1. Students who have completed their study program should contact the department coordinator to check their eligibility for a degree by the end of October.
  2. After completing their academic requirements and receiving all of their grades, students will begin the graduation application process through the Meydanet system. At the end of this process, which includes settling any other obligations (e.g., the library, tuition, equipment, etc.), the student will receive authorization for eligibility for a degree and a transcript from the academic secretariat via mail and email.
  3. The graduate will receive their diploma at the next commencement ceremony, provided that they have completed the graduation application by the end of December for that year.

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Cessation of Studies

  1. Students will be eligible to suspend their bachelor’s degree studies for a period no longer than two academic years, without this period being counted in the tally of years in the student’s degree study program.
  2. Any notification from the student regarding cessation or any change in the standard study continuum must be provided in writing. Oral notifications will not be accepted.
  3. In any case of a cessation of studies (at the behest of either the student or the college), students who have received full or partial scholarships (exemption from tuition, rental or room and board scholarships, or any other financial support or scholarships received from the college), will be required to return the full amount of the scholarship (in addition to interest and linkage differentials, as are customary).
  4. Students who have chosen to stop studying with an unsatisfactory academic standing may not resume their studies at the faculty, unless this has been authorized by the departmental or general teaching committee. The student must contact the committee in writing to justify their request.
  5. Students whose studies were discontinued by the general teaching committee for academic reasons may not resume their studies at the department.

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Resumption of Studies and the Statute of Limitations

  1. Students who discontinue their studies before the end of the first academic year and wish to resume their studies should register as candidates for admission, and all of the conditions for admission and placement applicable at the time of reregistration shall apply.
  2. Shenkar College will recognize the passing grades of students who wish to resume their studies for up to two years from the time studies were discontinued.
  3. Students who wish to resume their studies after the end of the two-year period following their cessation of studies and before five years have passed since their cessation of studies will be required to complete prerequisite courses, pursuant to the department’s requirements.
  4. Once five years have passed since the cessation of studies, a statute of limitations will apply, and the student will not be able to resume their studies. In exceptional cases, the general teaching committee may consider the request.
  5. Students who stop studying for academic or disciplinary reasons (due to a disciplinary committee or the general teaching committee) will not be able to resume their studies at the college.

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The complete and updated regulations are available on the Shenkar College website.

Elective Courses

  1. Academic programs are comprised of compulsory courses and elective courses. 
  2. The registration process is as follows:
  • Students will choose the courses they will take from among a list of relevant elective courses posted on the Meydanet system at the beginning of each semester, in consultation with the department head and/or the coordinator.
  • Registration for elective courses is an inseparable part of the semester class schedule sent to the coordinator.
  • All students must register for the elective courses, in addition to registering for the other compulsory courses.
  • Students who drop a course after the two-week period from the beginning of the semester has passed will be required to pay for the course. Furthermore, a “fail” will be recorded in the transcript, and it will be factored into their grade average.
  • Students will not be able to take elective courses whose timetable conflicts with compulsory courses in the department’s class schedule.
  • If a student does not receive authorization to register for an elective course, that course will not be recorded in the transcript.
  • Students in reserve duty during the course registration period must contact the department coordinator ahead of time to arrange their registration, so that their rights are not compromised. If students are called up to reserve duty on short notice, they must contact the department coordinator immediately upon their return.
    See Appendix A: Accommodations for Student Reservists“.
  1. Elective course grades:
  • An elective course may be replaced with another elective course if the student wishes to improve their grade or avoid a “fail” grade, if it does not involve taking a makeup exam.
  • Once the student completes their studies, one elective course cancellation may be requested, to avoid adversely affecting the student’s average.
  • The student will submit an application to the department coordinator for approval, which will be sent to the academic director.
  1. “Non-academic credits”:
  • Students at Shenkar College are entitled to accrue up to two non-academic credits through their elective courses.
  • Non-academic credits are awarded for social activity, volunteer activity, sporting activity or active reserve duty.
  • No more than two non-academic credits may be accrued.
  • Non-academic credits will be considered in the tally of credits required to receive the degree (corresponding to the academic credits).
  1. The following are the criteria for accruing general credits:
  • Sporting activity: students engaged in sports through a national sports association and/or sports through Shenkar College, under the supervision of a coach. The required activity volume is as follows: 52 hours – two credits; 26 hours – one credit. Students are required to submit documents to the Student Union and receive the authorization of the academic director. Without authorization, the credits will not be recognized.
  • Volunteer activity: Non-academic credits for a volunteer activity will only be given to students who volunteer in non-profits and entities approved by the Dean of Students. The required activity volume is as follows: 52 hours – two credits; 26 hours – one credit. Students are required to submit documents to the Student Union and receive the authorization of the Dean of Students. Without authorization, the credits will not be recognized.
  • Reservists: General credits will be given to reservists based on the following scale: 35 days or more of reserve duty per degree – two credits, 17-34 days of reserve duty per degree – one credit, or reserve duty of at least 14 consecutive days within an academic year – two credits.
  • Various academic credits that are preapproved by the academic director.


Students at Shenkar College must sign a copyrights agreement upon admission. Rights to papers, projects and inventions developed during the academic year are described in detail in the Comprehensive Regulations for 2015. A copyright release form can be downloaded here!

Disclosing materials to the media 

Disclosing papers and projects created as part of the academic study program at the college to media outlets is prohibited, unless authorized by the department head and the Public and Media Relations Office.

